How Poor Nutrition Can Lead to Dental Issues in Kids

Good nutrition plays a crucial role in your childโ€™s overall healthโ€”and their oral health is no exception. Think of your childโ€™s mouth as the gateway to the rest of their body. What they consume affects not only their growth, development, and energy levels but also the health and strength of their teeth. At Elite Smiles […]

Spotting the Early Signs of Teething: A Parentโ€™s Guide

Get through teething with your pediatric dentist in Atlanta.

As a parent, recognizing the early signs of teething can make a significant difference in your baby’s comfort and peace of mind. Elite Smiles Pediatric Dentistry is here to help you identify these signs early on and provide effective solutions to ease the process. Teething typically begins around six months of age but can start […]

Thumbs Down: Breaking the Thumb-Sucking Habit with Smile-Saving Strategies

Is your child still sucking their thumb, and are you starting to worry about the dental consequences? You’re not alone. Thumb-sucking is a common habit among young children, but if it persists beyond the early years, it can lead to dental problems, speech issues, and even social challenges. This guide, supported by Elite Smiles Pediatric […]

Swimmers and Divers, Watch Those Teeth!

ANYONE WHO SWIMS or scuba dives frequently could encounter some unique dental issues if they aren’t careful. Let’s take a closer look at the big ones. Chlorine’s Effect on Teeth The longer teeth are exposed to acidic chlorine ions in pool water, the more likely they are to develop brown or yellow stains. These are […]